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The balance of the senses.

Winter was long and cold, with the simplicity of a bare, silent landscape. Leonardo da Vinci noted that simplicity is the ultimate sophistication.

Spring brought a good helping of wet weather, beginning around the time of Carnival (14th February this year). 11th March brought 40 cm of snow, delaying bud-break for ten to fifteen days, until the spring returned. It remained colder than usual until June, with intense rain, which caused outbreaks of powdery mildew (oidium) and peronospora. However, with careful vineyard management we controlled the damage and the grapes developed well.

Flowering started on 1st June but the fluctuating conditions led to some floral abortion, causing sparse clusters but not affecting production excessively.

Summer arrived, bringing more rain but normal temperatures, apart from the middle two weeks of July when temperatures rose to 36˚. After this peak the temperature was perfect, with occasional showers keeping water reserves up, and the plants recovered well from their late start.

The showers continued right through to the autumn equinox. The wind helped keep the vines healthy, drying the clusters and preventing rot and the harvest took place between 4th and 8th October.

2010 vintage: the balance of the senses

A wonderful year of great beauty:

“it takes time to appreciate time”.

“Il Dio Bacco fa l’uomo giocondo e lo rende parimenti dotto e facondo”

“The God Bacchus makes man happy, and equally wise and eloquent”

(from the mediaeval song Bache, bene venies).

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